Let’s get started
Follow these steps to create your own unique site. If you have require additional technical support, please book your a 1:1 support call with me. Support calls are billed at $95/hour
This site has been built on Squarespace 7.1 platform. Squarespace has a wealth of information on their website to you can learn how to navigate site design. If you watch these video tutorials first you’ll have a good handle on how to edit your site.
TIME TO add your own content
Use the drop-down sections below to learn how to customize the content in your new site.
Your site will open up with a view showing your website on the right, and a menu of options on the right. Click ‘EDIT’ and the site will expand and allow you to edit the sections.
Hover over TEMPLATE SITE and click edit to change your site header: Put your name or logo in the ‘Site Title and Logo’ section.
If you plan to have an online shop, go to the ‘Elements’ section to toggle the cart icon into the header.
Hover over the first section on the page until you see the box pop up on the right hand side with the pencil icon. Click the pencil icon.
Once you hit the pencil icon you’ll see a number of different formatting options. Use ‘Format’ to choose the layout of this section, use ‘Background’ to replace that photo with your own, and use ‘Colors’ to experiment with which colour looks best. There is set palette here so you’re welcome to experiment with these.
‘Why’ section: as you hover over the next band, you’ll be able to click and edit the text laid out there
‘About the artist’ band: click the image to change to your own, and click the text area to replace with your text.
Mailing List ask: This section will collect mailing list info for you. Hover over the section to see the Newsletter pencil icon to choose where this information gets stored. The default is with Squarespace, but you can also connect to other mail services or have it collect in a google spreadsheet.
Footer: Hover over the footer area until EDIT FOOTER pops up and click it. There is an Instagram block here - you’ll need to follow the directions to add your instagram account here.
When you are done on this page, click DONE in the top left corner.
Go to the ‘ARTWORK’ section of the Pages panel As with the Home page, click EDIT in the left corner to change the text showing on the page. If you hover over the section images you’ll see a spot to edit the layout of those section.
I’ve laid out 6 series sections here, but you will customize this to your needs.
Use the … symbol to change the series titles and the image that corresponds with that section.
For each section, you’ll have to hover over the default images until you see the landscape icon pop up (near the pencil icon). Click that landscape icon to open the gallery and replace with your own images.
Be sure to add captions with Title, Size, Medium, Price and they will show up!
By using the pencil icon in your gallery area, you’ll be able to change the layout of these images. My default is Masonry Grid as that doesn’t create unnecessary cropping.
Delete any Series sections that you don’t need.
EDIT and hover over each section to replace with your information.
EDIT and hover over each section to replace with your information. Hover over the FORM to edit which information you want to collect, and where to send it. Important: you must choose a place to send this data from the STORAGE tab
You will have to do a little more work if you’d like to be seen on search engines, and Squarespace can walk you through this process or connect you with an expert.
Follow this guide to learn how to activate the shop page and add your available work. I’ve called it PURCHASE in the Pages panel.
If you’re feeling done but want an industry expert to look it over to ensure everything is running smoothly, book a website audit.